Monday, May 24, 2010

How to Stay Motivated all the Time

Often we come across many Inspiring Quotes in different forms and we get Inspired, feel good and do something about it.....but different Philosophers or Successful people have their own experiences on which they inspire us and sometimes we wonder which are the right ones to keep us Motivated.

  Well I do not like complications and I am sure no one does. It's Simple, When you come across an Inspiring Quote or Saying and it appeals to you or Clicks in your mind with some incident in your life, make a note of it for your future reference. That is what I do while I am reading books or surfing the internet or having a chat or discussion with someone, I make a note of it on my phone or my notepad file. You never know while you are one day just browsing through your phone or files on your computer or notebook and you come across your collection of quotes and sayings and it brings you memories of how you acted upon them or the change it brought to you and your Life, etc.

   I always Beleive in one thing "DO IT": You have something in mind, stop cotemplating the pros and cons or the Buts and Whys, just ACT.
So here are 15 Empowering Motivations that will get you off your butt and moving forward...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dealing with Distractions

In today's busy world, We each have many distractions that keep us from getting things done. At times I notice Myself getting Distracted when I have to get something Important done. I know that I am capable of getting things done and achieving things but I’ve noticed that distractions can make it tough.
What I have realized is that Concentration is being split into three different levels.

The first level is acknowledging that I have work to do. I can sit down and make a start, but I’m vulnerable to distractions and they can easily get the better of me. At this stage it sometimes feels like I’m looking for an excuse not to work. My mind can easily wander onto other things.

The second stage is a little deeper, as I’m starting to understand the task and my mind starts to figure out what is going on. At this point some distractions die down as I start to get more involved with the task at hand, but there are a few that can still break my concentration. If I got a phone call at this point, I would probably find my way onto the Internet after that, and blame the person who called for distracting me! This happened many times!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Real Reason Apple is so Innovative

For decades, competitors and consumers have pondered how Apple has reached (and continues to reach) such heightened levels of success and innovation. But it only took Simon Sinek eighteen minutes to explain it at a TED event. And, according to him, it’s all about the why, not the how. Most computer companies start with claims that they make great products. Apple, on the other hand, tells you why they build computers. Watch Sinek in action below. He’s got a smart theory that’s worth a listen.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Music- Notes of Inspiration

Over the years, I have come to realize that Music has had a tremendous impact on my Life, I am actually addicted to the right kind of Music that keeps me in sync with my Life! And the feeling is amazing!

Music can have a big Impact on a person, it has the ability to trigger so many different emotions in us.The words in a song combined with a collaboration of different instruments playing, all work together to create a certain kind of feeling. I am sure some of you have experienced this and the feeling is crazy! The best part is that the artist want their listeners to understand and relate to the song and that is what I call music that triggers emotions. I actually feel that listening to songs with positive lyrics and meaningful content has alot of impact on our life.

Monday, April 19, 2010

How Inspiration Should Work

The other day I was pondering over something that made me think so much and this is what I figured out -

Some people will be inspired to start of with but may not be motivated to do anything and others will be inspred, they will be motivated but they take no action. This in itself is an ineffective kind of inspiration, one that we feel for a small amount of time but it materialises into nothing. The best type of inspiration is one that consists of all three of these factors- 

Inspiration...Motivation...Action, You are Inspired by something or someone,which Motivates you to do something, you decide to take Action and that action turns the ideas from your inspiration into reality.

We should mould our mindset into taking action after being Inspired & not just procrastinate.

Until next time
Vishal D

Monday, September 28, 2009

FEAR? What's that?

Have you ever felt that you could do so much more with your life and your talents if you could just overcome fear? What is it that you are truly afraid of and how is it keeping you from getting what you really want? What if you could overcome it this year? What kind of momentum could you create in your life? If you are interested in mastering fear for good and getting what you are truly after in your life, you are about to learn the key which can lead you where you want to go.

The first step is to define what you are afraid of. Too often, we try to master fear by not confronting it and trying to deny it or cover it up. The very principle of fear is that it keeps you from meeting something head on. If you refuse to meet fear head on and continue to try and bypass it, it is going to continue to grow independent of your interference. Sit down and clearly write out what it is that you are afraid of.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Believe in Yourself

There comes a phase in life where u want certain things so bad...That u keep asking & asking, feeling it's the right time to recieve them but they dont materialize at the time you want them to...

At first i didnt understand the philosophy to this, but as the years flew by I understood one thing, everything has it's right moment, it's right purpose, & it's right reason to occur.

I believe that whatever you want in should just keep asking & asking without a doubt & BELIEVE that it will materialize & at the same time don't be laidback assuming it will take place effortlessly. You should do whatever it takes if it's important to you. Take action, chase it coz its no ones but yours & only for you.  I will never forget this moment where I set my eyes on my dream bike. I tried every possible way to save up for it. Requested my mom to put in half the amount.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Problems Are a Normal Part of Change

When asked, “How do you develop mental toughness in life?” my response might sound negative at first. I say, “Always be prepared for a surprise. The surprise might be a negative surprise. Something is going to happen in your day, whether you are late because you got stuck behind a train or your car had a flat tire—something is going to happen.

Problems are a normal part of change. Things are changing so rapidly that there are going to be problems you face. So you must look at failure as an event, not as a person. I’m not a failure. Maybe I’ve had a failure or a temporary inconvenience. I’ve had a stumbling block, and the idea is to turn the stumbling block into a steppingstone, and step on it instead of stumble over it. So look at failure as the fertilizer of success.
Fertilizer stinks, it smells. You see that guy putting it on his lawn and you say, “Wow, that guy fertilized his lawn.” You fertilize your mistakes. You don’t wallow in them, lay in them, roll in them; you pick yourself up off your mistakes and learn from them. You try not to repeat that same thing again. But you look at it as a temporary inconvenience, as a detour—a detour in life—not as a failure.

Until Next Time
Vishal D

Never Ever Give up on Yourself






"God", I said. "Can you give me one good reason not to quit?"

His answer surprised me.

 "Look around", He said. "Do you see the fern and the bamboo?"

 "Yes", I replied.

 "When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of
them. I gave them light. I gave them water.

The fern quickly grew from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the

floor. Yet nothing came from the bamboo
seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.

 "In the second year the fern grew more vibrant and plentiful. And again,
nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I
did not quit on the bamboo.

 "In year three there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would
not quit. The same in year four.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Appreciation...It can change someone's perspective !

Early this evening I was sitting at a coffee shop, sipping my favourite coffee & nibbling on a sinful chocolate cake & hearing my true friend speak about his achievements in his leadership career!

He mentioned a moment where he being the youngest team leader & his team being the highest headcount of seventeen in the process -they got an appreciation by the head manager of the company (from UK) for their work- in the history of 4 years of that process. Wow! What a feeling! You should have seen the enthusiastic smile on my friend's face -Unforgetable!

Each & Every person wants to be appreciated for what they do & what they believe in. Sometimes when you don't get appreciated for the best you've hurts ! It really does. Everyone, deep down within longs for an appreciation for various things they do.
So whether big or small, always genuinenly appreciate what others do for you or otherwise also.