Showing posts with label Concentration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Concentration. Show all posts

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Power of Listening

active-listeningMany of us underestimate the power of listening. We talk more than we listen!

Why? We all want to be heard and understood. Right? To do so, we need to have the knowledge and knowledge comes only when we become good listeners. Agree?

A person speaking needs to feel that he or she is heard and understood. They need to have a response when one is asked for. As humans the very nature of being understood and heard is connected to our sense of self worth. When you are speaking, you have something of value to say and you want to say it to contribute and to be heard. If you are not listened to or even ignored, it hurts and often affects your self esteem.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dealing with Distractions

In today's busy world, We each have many distractions that keep us from getting things done. At times I notice Myself getting Distracted when I have to get something Important done. I know that I am capable of getting things done and achieving things but I’ve noticed that distractions can make it tough.
What I have realized is that Concentration is being split into three different levels.

The first level is acknowledging that I have work to do. I can sit down and make a start, but I’m vulnerable to distractions and they can easily get the better of me. At this stage it sometimes feels like I’m looking for an excuse not to work. My mind can easily wander onto other things.

The second stage is a little deeper, as I’m starting to understand the task and my mind starts to figure out what is going on. At this point some distractions die down as I start to get more involved with the task at hand, but there are a few that can still break my concentration. If I got a phone call at this point, I would probably find my way onto the Internet after that, and blame the person who called for distracting me! This happened many times!