Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Music- Notes of Inspiration

Over the years, I have come to realize that Music has had a tremendous impact on my Life, I am actually addicted to the right kind of Music that keeps me in sync with my Life! And the feeling is amazing!

Music can have a big Impact on a person, it has the ability to trigger so many different emotions in us.The words in a song combined with a collaboration of different instruments playing, all work together to create a certain kind of feeling. I am sure some of you have experienced this and the feeling is crazy! The best part is that the artist want their listeners to understand and relate to the song and that is what I call music that triggers emotions. I actually feel that listening to songs with positive lyrics and meaningful content has alot of impact on our life.

Isn't it weird how you can condition your mind through things you feed it. A few times I've heard a song come on and people say "I love this song" and I've thought to myself "Well I can't say the same buddy".After hearing the song a few times or just taking the time to listen to the lyrics I later realise why that person felt such a connection. The truth about music is no genre is above another, its the content of a song that can make it inspirational in my eyes.

Infact I have different playlists on my i-pod for different occasions- Some Meaningful music for travelling and relaxing, fast energetic music for my workout at the gym, some of my favorites to charge me up anytime. God bless the Apple i-pod.

"Music Breathes Life into My Soul !"

Vishal D


Romit Jethwaney said... [Reply]

You wrote this !..... great stuff dude... proud of you !!

faraz burud said... [Reply]

It takes a pure synchronization of your HEART and MIND to deliver something like this... Its simply ... simple yet profound.

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