Showing posts with label Insights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Insights. Show all posts

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Drawing Good Into Your Life

Feeling good Wallpaper__yvt2  At some point in your life, you’ve likely encountered a circumstance you’d like to change. Maybe you want a different job, to meet someone special, or to pursue online training so you can finish your degree. Being conscious about what you want and need is an important step in following the Law of Attraction, a metaphysical thought process based on the notion that like attracts like. Asking the universe for gifts is one thing. Empowering change based solely on the way you think is another.

Made popular recently by the book and movie, The Secret, the Law of Attraction can work if you know how to work with its energy. Operating under the belief that what you put into the universe comes back to you, thinking positively makes more sense. (Pay attention, pessimists!) Rather than demanding an A in that online course you’re taking, offer to help the universe.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Creative Thinking is Essential for Success


     This is a factor most often ignored by many people. Or rather not considered. I believe Creative Thinking is crucial to every aspect in life. It helps get the best out of us and gives us many different perspectives on things we would otherwise have done by the norms. Creative Thinking is being different and standing out from the crowd. If you have noticed, all the millionaires in the world are where they are today because they thought something different or did something differently.creative-thinking-room

"What matters is not what you do, but how you do it."

   It sure requires courage and dedication to shine out from the rest. The focus should be on creativity, action, doing and not boredom, complaining, or idleness.

It is nothing but taking the efforts in materializing your goals blended in with your creative juices. A person with a positive attitude sees the positive side of all situations. He or she is optimistic about the future and hence is able to take responsibility for their actions. A positive mental attitude stresses joy and discovery over sadness & depression.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Four Principles of Spirituality


1. Whomsoever you encounter is the right one

This means that no one comes into our life by chance. Everyone who is around us, anyone with whom we interact, represents something, whether to teach us something or to help us improve a current situation.

2. Whatever happened is the only thing that could have happened

Nothing, absolutely nothing of that which we experienced could have been any other way. Not even in the least important detail. There is no “If only I had done that differently…, then it would have been different…”. No. What happened is the only thing that could have taken place and must have taken place for us to learn our lesson in order to move forward. Every single situation in life which we encounter is absolutely perfect, even when it defies our understanding and our ego.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Reveal The Person You Really Are

    You are out there at a social gathering or a get-together and your having a really nice time interacting with the new people you’ve just met, indulging in some great conversations and after a while they ask, “So, what do you do?”

Your answer to this simple question reveals an incredible amount about your personal sense of identity.

When faced with the question, “What do you do?” most people automatically respond by talking about their 9 to 5 occupation. The problem with this response is that it immediately defines you in terms of your job and places you in a pigeon hole that is often filled with stereo types associated with your profession. Is that who you really are?

Let me give you an example, Jessica is a marketing executive who is working at an MNC. However, her real passion in life is painting. When she is not working, she spends most of her time painting. For a long time, whenever someone asked “So Jessica, what do you do?”, Jessica’s response was, “Oh, I’m a marketing executive.” The person she was speaking to then asked about what it was like working as a marketing executive. And before she realized, she was talking about her boring mundane job.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Turtles

turtlesA turtle family decided to go on a picnic. the turtles, being naturally slow about things, took seven years to prepare for their outing. Finally the turtle family left home looking for a suitable place. During the second year of their journey they found a place ideal for them at last!   For about six months they cleaned the area, unpacked the picnic basket, and completed the arrangements. Then they discovered they had forgotten the salt. A picnic without salt would be a disaster, they all agreed.  After a lengthy discussion, the youngest turtle was chosen to retrieve the salt from home. Although he was the fastest of the slow moving turtles, the little turtle whined, cried, and wobbled in his shell. He agreed to go on one condition: that no one would eat until he returned. The family consented and the little turtle left.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Law of the Garbage Truck

I recently stumbled over this really interesting story in one of my emails. It surprisingly changed my whole perspective and made my realize something. I Hope it does the same to You.


   One day I hopped in a taxi and we took off for the airport.

We were driving in the right lane when suddenly a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his brakes, skidded, and missed the other car by just inches. The driver of the other car whipped his head around and started yelling at us.

My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean he was really friendly.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Don’t Be Too Hard On Yourself

1445142314_04b4e8c3be   It is easy to spend much of your day beating up on yourself for past mistakes. We analyze that relationship that failed and relentlessly review all the things that we did wrong, or we look at that business decision that cost us so much and dwell on the things we could have done right. It is not going to get you any better. Once and for all stop being so hard on yourself. You are a human being and human beings have been designed to make mistakes. As long as you don’t keep making the same mistakes again and have a good judgment on letting your past serve you, you will be on the right track. Accept them and move on.

Many times we try to change ourselves by wanting to develop certain qualities and character that we see in others.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Just Be Nice

How often do you notice random people being nice to you? A waiter at a coffee shop or a shop attendant going out of their way to serve you? Not so often right? But wouldn’t it be great if they did so? And if they did, you would definitely visit that place again and again, right? That is because they made you feel great!

We all have our own busy Worlds in which we are engaged in and never care to do something different. That is because we are on autopilot, doing the same things everyday. Change is all about growing and it starts by creating a new habit in our life. "If we want to grow, we gotta step out of our box." How?

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Power of Acceptance

Very often we find people around us complaining about various things in theirlives. Health challenges, financial difficulties, relationship problems and the list goes on. The only reason they do so is because they do not accept those particular problems or situations and all they do is just complain. Complaining is not going to do any good to the problem but, is only going to make things worse. The law here is simple, "like attracts like", if you are complaining, you are only going to get more of it.

Take a while and think hard. "Problems are only perceived in the mind", if you focus on the problem, you will just aggregate it, but if you focus on a solution to solve it, that is where you choose to be a fighter. Be a solution oriented-person.

But it all starts with one thing, Acceptance. You must first accept a particular situation or problem in your life, this will help you stay calm and get focused on what needs to be done next.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Learn to Say No

    Ever noticed yourself saying "yes" to others just because you care about your self-image/reputation going down?? 

 This is where we make our biggest mistakes!

I too have said yes to many and regretted it and still do at times. It is indeed easy to yes to every request on our time and that is because our priorities are not clear to us. When your days are not guided by an inspiring vision for your future, a clear image of an end result will help you act more intentionally and it is not hard for the agendas of those around you to dictate your actions. 

"If your priorities don't get scheduled into your planner, other people's priorities will get put into your planner.
The solution here is to get yourself clear about your life's highest objectives and then to learn to say No gracefully. I know this seems a bit tough, but trust me this will not only help you become the person you've always desired to be but the feeling of that fulfillment will advance you.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Achieving Your Goals

We set Goals we want to achieve with that strong burning desire and initially we get all excited and say things like “I will not give up till I don’t achieve it”, “I will do whatever it takes” and so on. We actually put in our blood and sweat into it, do what is required with full dedication for the first few days or weeks, etc. But what happens as time goes by?
We tend to get de-motivated and try to compromise on what we can do with what we are capable of. This eventually shifts our mindset and we tend to give-up and forget the goal we once desired for. Honestly, ask yourself, how many times has this happened to you? If the answer is Yes then you should be willing to follow what I will be discussing henceforth, if your answer is NO, then simply close this page.
So, your answer is YES!!! Awesome!! This is where you identify yourself as a Winner!!!
Let us understand some basics first. Firstly, you need to answer a few questions –

- What do you really want?
- Why do you want it?
- How is it going to affect you?

Without understanding what and why you really want something in your Life, you cannot move forward. You should want it so bad that you are genuinely willing to Do Whatever it Takes!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Believe in Yourself

There comes a phase in life where u want certain things so bad...That u keep asking & asking, feeling it's the right time to recieve them but they dont materialize at the time you want them to...

At first i didnt understand the philosophy to this, but as the years flew by I understood one thing, everything has it's right moment, it's right purpose, & it's right reason to occur.

I believe that whatever you want in should just keep asking & asking without a doubt & BELIEVE that it will materialize & at the same time don't be laidback assuming it will take place effortlessly. You should do whatever it takes if it's important to you. Take action, chase it coz its no ones but yours & only for you.  I will never forget this moment where I set my eyes on my dream bike. I tried every possible way to save up for it. Requested my mom to put in half the amount.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Problems Are a Normal Part of Change

When asked, “How do you develop mental toughness in life?” my response might sound negative at first. I say, “Always be prepared for a surprise. The surprise might be a negative surprise. Something is going to happen in your day, whether you are late because you got stuck behind a train or your car had a flat tire—something is going to happen.

Problems are a normal part of change. Things are changing so rapidly that there are going to be problems you face. So you must look at failure as an event, not as a person. I’m not a failure. Maybe I’ve had a failure or a temporary inconvenience. I’ve had a stumbling block, and the idea is to turn the stumbling block into a steppingstone, and step on it instead of stumble over it. So look at failure as the fertilizer of success.
Fertilizer stinks, it smells. You see that guy putting it on his lawn and you say, “Wow, that guy fertilized his lawn.” You fertilize your mistakes. You don’t wallow in them, lay in them, roll in them; you pick yourself up off your mistakes and learn from them. You try not to repeat that same thing again. But you look at it as a temporary inconvenience, as a detour—a detour in life—not as a failure.

Until Next Time
Vishal D

Never Ever Give up on Yourself






"God", I said. "Can you give me one good reason not to quit?"

His answer surprised me.

 "Look around", He said. "Do you see the fern and the bamboo?"

 "Yes", I replied.

 "When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of
them. I gave them light. I gave them water.

The fern quickly grew from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the

floor. Yet nothing came from the bamboo
seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.

 "In the second year the fern grew more vibrant and plentiful. And again,
nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I
did not quit on the bamboo.

 "In year three there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would
not quit. The same in year four.